Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Interview with Young Life Capernaum

Young people around the world —thousands of them— are hearing the message of God's love for them from a trusted friend in Young Life.  It’s a fantastic organization that believes in the power of presence.  Kids’ lives are dramatically impacted when adults come alongside them, sharing God’s love. 

Since I am the mom of a child with disabilities, I am especially grateful to know Carly is now old enough to participate in Young Life (which starts at 14 years old) because these wonderful folks are intentional about reaching out to her in special needs as well.  While all Young Life activities are open to every kid, many cities have dedicated programs for kids and young adults with disabilities, typically referred to as Young Life Capernaum Ministries. 

I had the opportunity interview Tasha Myrah of Capernaum Greater Minneapolis.  It’s my privilege to introduce our readers today and our prayer that you will get connected and/or tell someone else who would be blessed to experience this worldwide ministry. 

WRIM:  Tell us about your ministry — its mission, the primary ways it is serving the community, the ministry schedule.  
Tasha:  Young Life Capernaum is a non-profit Christian ministry devoted to serving the needs of youth with physical and developmental disabilities.  We believe that young people with disabilities have the right to experience all of life's opportunities such as: fulfilling friendships, fun and adventure, activities that build self-esteem and challenge their limits, and the right to explore a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  We reach teens through bi-weekly "club" events, camp experiences, and most importantly leader interaction.  We have over 20 leaders that are committed to meeting our teens where they're at and walking through life with them.  

WRIM:  What drew you to disability ministry? 
Tasha:  When Capernaum goes to camp, we do one-on-one leader-kid pairings, which means that we typically need a few extra people outside of our leadership team.  I found out about the opportunity to go to camp as a buddy and it literally changed my life.  I didn't have any prior experience working with people with disabilities, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I could tell after that week that God had something bigger for me here. At the time I had been in the corporate world and over the next few years I went from camp buddy to leader to part-time staff to being able to be work for Capernaum full-time.  I'm not sure I can put my finger on exactly what drew me in.  I just absolutely fell in love with the kids and how real they were.  The kind of people you get to work with in this population is like no other, and I'm so thankful that God led me and my family into this.

WRIM:  How has God used your experiences in disability ministry to shape you as a person?  
Tasha:  As I eluded to above, it has completely changed me.  My husband and I started leading when we were dating, and I can't imagine how different our lives would be without Capernaum.  My entire world-view is different now and my eyes have been opened to the purpose of my life.  My family has been so blessed by the kids and parents involved in Capernaum.  My 18 month old has had the joy of having kids, their parents, and leaders that love spending time with her.  I am thankful for the opportunity to raise her around these friends.  I would say overall, working in this ministry has just made my faith stronger and my definition of friendship and community change in a great way.

WRIM:  What is one hope/dream you have for the future of disability ministry locally or globally?   
Tasha:  I would love if some day Capernaum didn't need to exist.  I pray for a time that every kid, no matter  their ability level, would have a place in the church.  That families could go and be part of the body without having to fight for programs that accommodate their kids.  Some churches do a great job of this, but I hear so many stories from parents that break my heart about how they weren't accepted at their church so just stopped going.  

WRIM:  What is one recent way/story that demonstrates God’s presence and power in the lives of someone being served through your organization?  
Tasha: I actually just got an email yesterday from a mom telling me about how her son, who has down syndrome, always talks the whole drive home about the club talk we gave that night, and also brings up talks from camp and asks what his parents think and believe.  I was shocked because this is a kid that I've maybe heard say 20 words in the 3 years he's been coming to club.  I love how God speaks to our kids in ways that we don't know, and that our job is just to trust Him in that.  

WRIM: Based on the challenges associated with this type of ministry, how would you like people to be praying for you or your organization?  
Tasha: I would say our biggest ongoing prayer is for more people who feel called to lead with Capernaum to do so.  The commitment of our leadership team is really what sets Capernaum apart, and we really can only reach as many kids well as the number of leaders we have.  Another prayer would be for parents to find out about the ministry.  Most of how people find out is word-of-mouth.  I know there are a TON of kids in the metro that don't know about Capernaum, and I just pray that people that need to hear about it would somehow.

Our thanks to Tasha for sharing her inspiring story and helping us learn about the opportunities!  Remember friends, Young Life is worldwide so go here and find a group near you where you can serve and/or help a young person get involved!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Anticipating "The Works of God: God's Good Design in Disability"

Every day, I am in conversations with people who are struggling to understand God's truth about disability and what the world considers "biological error."  Many feel isolated and are hungry to connect with others who understand their plight.  That's why I'm so excited about the "The Works of God: God's Good Design in Disability" Conference.

In just three days, almost 500 people will be gathering for "The Works of God: God's Good Design in Disability" Conference featuring speakers like Dr. John Piper, Nancy Guthrie and Mark Talbot.  My friend Krista Horning, author of Just the Way I Am, will be a special guest sharing her testimony.

I enthusiastically agree with Pastor Paul Martin's summary of reasons to look forward to this conference: 

1. To be reminded that sin and suffering are in the world.
2. To connect with a few choice (friends).
3. To learn how to love my (child) better.
4. To learn how to make our churches a safer refuge for the disabled.
5. To be encouraged.

You can register onsite Thursday morning (or by Tuesday here if you want to get lunch).  The entire conference will also be offered LIVE-STREAM at beginning at 8:30 a.m. (Central).  Get the conference schedule here and listen along with us.  Larry and I will be there and are so grateful for these men and women with the vision and resources to make this possible! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Help Grow a GIFT!

A friend of Walk Right In Ministries is giving an amazing gift and YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE IT BIGGER! 

Author Sandra Orchard has committed a significant portion of her royalties from the book “Critical Condition” to Walk Right In Ministries!

Sandra already has three Christian romance novels published by Harlequin’s “Love Inspired Suspense” and more books coming. “CRITICAL CONDITION” released in October and will only remain available at Walmart, Target and Kmart for a very short time . Please hurry and purchase this title for Christmas gifts and more so that many can also be blessed both in reading and through the education, advocacy and networking resources of 

Love Inspired Suspense stories feature strong heroes and heroines whose faith is central in solving mysteries and saving lives.  You enjoy a dash of danger and a strong dose of inspiration in a short novel package at a very affordable price.  Sandra Orchard's titles include Shades of Truth, Deep Cover and Critical Condition.  To learn more about Sandra's writing and what she has coming next, visit her website at

I have been personally enjoying Sandra's books and am so proud to say that we wrote songs together as co-members of Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship Clubs during our high school years in southern Ontario.  I want to personally thank Sandra for her creative vision and generous support of Walk Right In Ministries.  What a beautiful picture of partnership in the Gospel! 

PS – You can help us show Sandra appreciation for her generous contribution of royalties by LIKE-ing her Facebook page and buying her books.  Due to the nature of the Harlequin sales concept, each title is only available in print for a limited time as they keep titles rotating very frequently. Let's help Critical Condition SELL OUT at Target, Walmart, Kmart stores! Please LIKE Sandra's Facebook page at

Happy shopping, friends!


BTW — During this Thanksgiving season and as the end of another year approaches, please prayerfully consider giving to Walk Right In Ministries.  Your financial contribution OF ANY SIZE helps shine the Good News of Jesus Christ into the lives of hurting people through advocacy, education, discipleship and networking.  Your tax-deductible donation equips people to connect and grow in Christ-centered communities while discovering adventure in life's challenges.  

DONATE ONLINE or send a check to:
Walk Right In Ministries
PO Box 1932
Maple Grove, MN 55311

THANK YOU for sharing in this ministry in so many wonderful ways.  God is faithful to provide and encourage us.