Friday, October 28, 2011

It's Marriage Prayer Friday!

Today's prayers for marriage are inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:1-12.

A prayer for your own marriage—

LORD OF ETERNITY, thank you for creating seasons in life and love. As it relates to my marriage, God, please help me to see the beauty in each season and to be refreshed in the changes. I confess that it is tempting to enjoy the beauty of the changing leaves this fall and forget to credit the hand of You who created that beauty in the first place. Likewise, when things are going well in my marriage, I tend to forget how You are at work in our hearts and in my marriage relationship to glorify Yourself and bring us joy.

My husband/wife and I desperately need Your help to prepare for and enjoy each new day. Strengthen us to endure the difficult seasons and help us to thrive. Whether we are in a season of hard work, a time of grief, a season of planting or feeling uprooted, a time of harvest or a season of waiting, help me to remember that you have good plans for me and for us. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You in every season, Lord — good and bad — so that the beauty of the covenant commitment we made will be fully enjoyed by my family and all those who intersect with it. AMEN

Something to pray for a friend's marriage—

LORD OF ETERNITY, thank you for creating seasons in life and love. As it relates to marriage, God, please help my married friends to see the beauty in each season and to be refreshed in the changes. It is tempting to enjoy the beauty of the changing leaves this fall and forget to credit the hand of You who created that beauty in the first place. Likewise, when things are going well in the marriages around me, I tend to forget how You are at work in my loved ones' hearts and marriage relationships to glorify Yourself and bring joy to Your people.

My loved ones desperately need Your help to prepare for and enjoy each new day. Strengthen them to endure the difficult seasons and help them to thrive. Whether they are in a season of hard work, a time of grief, a season of planting or feeling uprooted, a time of harvest or a season of waiting, help them to remember that you have good plans for them. Help them to keep their eyes fixed on You in every season, Lord — good and bad — so that the beauty of the covenant commitment they made will be fully enjoyed by their families and all those who intersect with them. AMEN